@extends('voyager::master') @section('page_title', __('voyager::generic.viewing').' '.__('voyager::generic.settings')) @section('css') @stop @section('page_header')

{{ __('voyager::generic.settings') }}

@stop @section('content')
@if(isset($storageErrorMessage) && $storageErrorMessage !== false)
{{__("Warning!")}} {{__("The last storage settings you provided are invalid. Storage driver will reverted to local storage.")}}
{{__("Last error received:")}}
@endif @if(isset($emailsErrorMessage) && $emailsErrorMessage !== false)
{{__("Warning!")}} {{__("The email driver settings you provided are invalid. Email driver will reverted to logs.")}}
{{__("Last error received:")}}
{{ method_field("PUT") }} {{ csrf_field() }}
@include('vendor.voyager.settings.lcode') @include('vendor.voyager.settings.colors') @foreach($settings as $group => $group_settings)
@if($group == 'Emails')
You can use any SMTP you have access to or mailgun API.
@endif @if($group == 'Social login') @endif
@if($group == 'Media')
@if(getSetting('storage.driver') == 'public')
{{__("Warning!")}} {{__("Coconut transcoding can only be used with a remote storage option. Local storage is not supported.")}}
@endif @if(!getSetting('websockets.pusher_app_id') && !getSetting('websockets.soketi_host_address'))
{{__("Warning!")}} {{__("Coconut transcoding requires websockets to be enabled. Please check the configure your Websockets area.")}}

Media settings

@endif @if($group == 'Payments')
The payment system requires cronjobs so you can easily setup them by using the following line:
  • * * * * * cd {{base_path()}} && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
For cPanel based installations, you can remove the {root} username out of the command above.
In order to be able to receive payment updates from Paypal, please use these webhooks endpoints:
  • {{route('paypal.payment.update')}}
In order to be able to receive payment updates from Stripe, please use these webhooks endpoints:
  • {{route('stripe.payment.update')}}
In order to be able to receive payment updates from Coinbase, please use these webhooks endpoints:
  • {{route('coinbase.payment.update')}}
In order to use CCBill as payment provider you'll need the following endpoints:
  • Webhook URL: {{route('ccBill.payment.update')}}
  • Approval & Denial URL: {{route('payment.checkCCBillPaymentStatus')}}
In order to use Paystack as payment provider you'll need the following endpoints:
  • Webhook URL: {{route('paystack.payment.update')}}
  • Callback URL: {{route('payment.checkPaystackPaymentStatus')}}
In order to use Mercado as payment provider you'll need the following endpoint:
  • Webhook URL: {{route('mercado.payment.update')}}
In order to use Flow as payment provider you'll need the following endpoint:
  • Webhook URL: {{route('flow.payment.update')}}
In order to use NowPayments as payment provider you'll need the following endpoint:
  • IPN Callback URL: {{route('nowPayments.payment.update')}}
In order to use StripeConnect as payment option for withdrawals you'll need the following endpoint:
  • Webhook URL: {{route('stripeConnect.payment.update')}}

Payment processor

@endif @foreach($group_settings as $setting)

{{ $setting->display_name }} @if(config('voyager.show_dev_tips'))getSetting('{{ $setting->key }}')@endif

@if ($setting->type == "text") @elseif($setting->type == "text_area") @elseif($setting->type == "rich_text_box") @elseif($setting->type == "code_editor")
{{ $setting->value ?? '' }}
@elseif($setting->type == "image" || $setting->type == "file") @if(isset( $setting->value ) && !empty( $setting->value ) /*&& Storage::disk(config('voyager.storage.disk'))->exists($setting->value)*/)
@if(filter_var($setting->value, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) @else @endif
@elseif($setting->type == "file" && isset( $setting->value )) @if(json_decode($setting->value) !== null) @foreach(json_decode($setting->value) as $file) @endforeach @endif @endif @elseif($setting->type == "select_dropdown") @elseif($setting->type == "radio_btn")
    @if(isset($options->options)) @foreach($options->options as $index => $option)
  • @endforeach @endif
@elseif($setting->type == "checkbox") @if (isset($options->on) && isset($options->off)) @else @endif @endif
key}}> {{$settingDetails->description}}
@endif @if(!$loop->last)
key}}> @endif @endforeach
@stop @section('javascript')
{{ csrf_field() }}